Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Uncomparable

I feel the gentleness of the morning breeze,
yet it is uncomparable to the gentleness of your touch.
The bright morning sun shine and light up the early morning of down,
yet it is still uncomparable to the fair complexion of your face,
who shines the darkness part of my life.

The full moon shines majestucally in the dark night,
yet it is still uncomparable to the majestic smile which you gave me day after day.
It shines me even in the chaos of my life.

The king may have many queens,and young women of unlimited number may surround him,
yet my heart is only for you alone.

How sweet does the wine taste
sweeter than ther honey from the honey comb,
yet your smile is sweeter than the two,
The sweetest the world can give.

You are beautiful indeed,
you are indeed uncomparable to what the world can offer...

Jesselton Jason James

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hi all....today im going to sell off some things...if not at my house become junk...haha...if you think price too high we can talk about that...^^

Rm3.50(for christian only)

Hang on your cell Phone....makes it look more cute...^^

Is a Voodoo....improve your education....then chain got a little rust...so discount to


For sweet couple...is also for cellphone de....


The price we still can talk about that...(available for labuan people only)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Today we celebrated Xiao Fu birthday....at Blue Wave....total got 21 people...we had our fun,but thats not the point....
Today i want to share something with you all
i learn this when i was watching a movie...i forgot what title liao...God give us a many chance,why don we just give your friend a second chance?doesn't mean that he/she fail once and thats all....SECOND CHANCE...i know some of you don agree...buy is true...if you give people a chance,people will also give you another chance...in many ways you can give then a second chance...if they had done wrong....give a chance....start all over again....and thats why people learn from mistake...

2.Patience(the ability to accept delay or trouble calmly)is a kind of thing that is very hard to learn....
Why?because people all over the world is rushing against time!!Stop a while wont cause you to death...sometimes be slow is better that rushing...if you keep rushing you will miss a lot of fun moment....take a deep breath and WALA!!!sometimes not everything you want get and you will get it....you will get it when the time is right....just need to be patience....

Thx again for viewing....leave a coment,if you wish....and hope everyone can learn this...so will be only one word.....PEACE!!